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The Global Youth Action Network (GYAN) calls out to youth from around the world to contribute articles dealing with globalization to its 2005 publication project: 'Debating Globalization: Youth Perspectives on the Global Economic and Social Order'. This project will bring together articles with a variety of opinions from regions throughout the world into one publication. It will be published with one of GYAN's partners that will oversee distribution of the book throughout the world. Twenty-five finalists will be published in a world-wide publication; semi-finalists' articles will be featured online.

Articles may deal with, but are not limited to: the impact of free trade on wealth creation and the environment; the role of capitalism and liberalization on development; human rights and globalization; sustainable development; the place of least developed countries in the world; debt in the developing world; democracy and good governance; women and wealth creation, or reform of the United Nations System.

Applicants should be from 18-35 years old. Articles are to be no longer than 3,500 words. The publication seeks authors of diverse geographical origins, and thus especially encourages contributions from Africa, Asia, and South America. All articles should be submitted with an English translation. Non-native English speakers can submit articles in their mother tongue in addition to the English translation. Articles should be sent by email before the deadline of December 15th, 2004. Include your name, age, email address, and telephone number.


Do you want to organize water awareness-raising campaigns and other activities for young people in your country? Establish your local Young Water Action Team unit!

The following ingredients are required for a successful local group:
- Interested, committed, knowledgeable people (volunteers);
- A strategic plan and a project plan;
- Isolation of key stakeholders that can turn the plan into reality;
- The building of relations with such key stakeholders to obtain support in various forms (funding, resources, premises, opportunities, etc);
- The execution of the plan.

We advice you to commence with your plans in a small manageable area, relative to the number of people within the team; to obtain buy-in (from all stakeholders, such as your local government, educational institutions, etc.) based on success and to continue to grow the team until it is working optimally (nationally) in your country.

Should you wish to know more, please contact the YWAT Secretariat.


On Wednesday June 30th Stephan de Regt and Aaron Oostdijk, two students from the St. Willibrord College in Goes, The Netherlands presented their project: 'The effects of a water passage on the habitability of stagnated lakes' to the sponsors and jury of the Dutch Junior Water Prize. On behalf of the sponsors, ITT Flygt BV, Programme for the Netherlands Involvement in the Foreign Water Sector, Partners voor Water and Aqua for All the YWAT Secretariat handed out a cheque of ?00,- to the winners. Stephan and Aaron will represent The Netherlands this August in Stockholm where the international Stockholm Junior Water Prize contest will be held. For more information click here or visit the Stockholm International Water Institute's web site


YWAT has officially appointed three YWAT Forums managers. They are: Taimur Ali from Pakistan, Erik Verhofstad from The Netherlands and Francis Abayomi from Nigeria.

The YWAT forums are considered to be YWAT's main platform to encourage members to share ideas, discuss issues, vote on issues.

So far this role will involve, constant encouragement of members and updating as well as removing old files will be their main tasks. They'll also be free to develop new ideas they may come up.

YWAT Forum Managers: lots of success and inspiration for this important and interesting activity!

Would you like to leave a message or to read the Forums? Log in with your personal details and check the YWAT Forums!


YWAT's local unit in M�xico now has its own web site. In the near future the site will contain information about specific YWAT activities in the country or region and it will be an awareness raising tool for local YWAT members.

We are looking for a webmaster, preferably from M�xico and with sufficient Spanish and IT skills who would like to update the web site regularly on a voluntary basis. Interested? Please contact Juan Carlos Alva Nieto.

Are you a Regional YWAT Coordinator or would you like to become one? Are you interested in a special web site for your region or country as well? Then please contact the YWAT Secretariat.

Visit the YWAT M�xico web site


YWAT Member Sachi Satapathy was interviewed by the Indian newspaper 'Indian Express' about his positive attitude, his involvement in youth chapters of international organizations and his belief in the future. Read the article


During the CSD 12, youth present met every day as a youth caucus and discussed a number of issues from their various countries and youth organizations they represented. Luckson Katsi, a YWAT regional coordinator from Zimbabwe represented the Young Water Action Team.

At CSD-12 youth were identified and highly recognized as the only transitional stage in any society. They were also seen as having receptive minds and therefore are very important information vehicles to make a change in any society.

Due to the impact the youth made at the CSD, many countries pledged to fund more youth from developing countries to attend 2005's CSD 13. Among these were: Sweden and Canada.

For more information about CSD-12 visit the United Nations web site.

Should you have any questions regarding the Youth Caucus, please contact Luckson Katsi

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